Out of time?
Let the TeamWorks team help. Save your company time, money and valuable resources ... and get the work done! Our team of experienced, skilled specialists provides a flexible and efficient solution for your overworked staff. We handle the management and execution of simple to complex administrative and field projects, so you can focus on your business.
The TeamWorks Administrative Division team offers expertise in a variety of business office projects, while our Field Division team provides underground locating services to area companies and utilities. Using state of the art locating equipment, and a comprehensive online project management system, our experienced staff can handle all or excess field work for your company.
Phone: 701-770-1632
Email: info@ndteamworks.com
Watford City Office:
121 5th St SE #11
Watford City, ND 58854
Mailing Address and
Bismarck Office:
9402 Island Rd
Bismarck ND 58503